The Hall founding stone was set on 7th May 1921 making the centenary 7th May 2021 when our community was under lock-down restrictions. Saturday 18th June became the celebration of the hall heritage and the launch day of the Centenary Fund Raising campaign. The last major changes to the hall was the Millennium project when the hall keepers home was converted and other alteration. 22 years on the Trustees are asking the community share their vision for a 21 century community hall. To aid the conversation we have set out three themes:

Can all members of the community access all part of the building? Are we offering spaces relevant to local needs. How could youth groups use the hall?
We live in a digital age, what equipment would enhance the hall? The hall was the local cinema and performing arts venue for many decades, should we add digital performing arts capabilities?
Could we heat the hall more environmentally friendly? The halls boiler currently runs on oil. Could we transition from that energy source? The hall is surrounded by trees and shrubs, could be manage these spaces better for the community and nature?
design a new emblem
There are 7 emblems over the entrance arches that tell a story of community. To mark the centenary we are asking the community to design a new emblem, see design competition page .