Community groups use the hall on a weekly basis.
Events & Weddings
The hall hosts weddings and events.
Celebrating 100 years & Fund raising campaign
Saturday 2nd November from 6.30pm. Full details
Aboyne & Glen Tanar Memorial Hall, known as the Victory Hall, is set in the heart of Aboyne in Royal Deeside. A community hall that hosts a variety of local groups, dinners, weddings and remembrance Sunday. The building celebrated its centenary on 7th May 2021.

hall diary
The hall is used daily and at weekends for a range of events, dinners, birthday parties, sales and weddings.
Here is the latest news and upcoming events.

community groups
A wide range of community groups use the hall
- Scottish Country Dancing
- Community club
- Orchestra
- Sooyang
- Keep fit
- Line dancing and more
FOR local & visitors
Events & weddings
The hall is used to put on annual dinners and for parties for the local community. Local weddings and those from further afield are also common over the summer months.

Heritage of the hall

centenary fund raising
The fund raising started with a celebration of the halls centenary on Saturday 18th June and launching of a competition to design a new emblem for the building.
We have started a community consultation to gather community thoughts, ideas and visions for a community hall in the 21 century? The trustees have set out three themes to aid our conversation.
Can all community members access all parts of the building?
We live in a digital age, what equipment would enhance the hall?
Could we heat the hall more environmentally friendly?

best choice
Want to use the hall or would like new equipment? Please let us know.
Get in touch
Keep us in formed with any issues that arise with using the hall or suggest improvements
Find Us Here
aboyne & Glen Tanar Memorial Hall
Ballater Road
AboyneAB34 5HD