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ByJames Lj
The Victory Hall now has a wedding page .
Formaston Class II Pictish Cross Slab, Aboyne
ByJames Lj
The Formaston Stone is located within the Victory Hall. Come and see it during centenary open day on the 18th…
Harvest family ceilidh 17 September
ByJames Lj
THE CEILIDH IS CANCELED Feeling inspired by the Scottish Dancing on show at Aboyne Games? Then come along to the…
Centenary Cafe
ByJames Lj
Our local Aboyne COOP has generously provide refreshments and biscuits for the Centenary Cafe, Saturday 18th June 10am to 5pm.
AGM VH tomorrow
ByJames Lj
The Annual General Meeting of the Victory Hall is tomorrow Saturday 10th June 10.30am. Everyone welcome.
Creator space
ByJames Lj
A broad range of the local arts community use the hall, artists and photographers to muscians to martial arts etc. …